黑水头告别闻到皮革工业平阳休克重生« oursolo.net





根据环境容量倒逼容量压缩,“壮士断腕作为补救结果”开始了。 6时11月15日,下午头句号制革行业管理,兼并重组。 9个多月后,165皮革企业重组为39。在这里,平阳县政府拿出1.4亿多元资金,以补偿企业。今年8月20日,39个新成立的公司恢复生产,“蓝天”,“绿色”和其他6个污水处理厂也正式运行。这背后的理念和污染的控制方法是发生了质的变化:从原来的“有多少污染控制植物数量的能力建设”到“控制污染的人数有能力安排生产数量”现成为“环境容量多少,对一些生产能力安排。”这带来了水环境的重大变化,据温州市环保局的{zx1}检测报告说,最近的鳌江水质明显恢复,一些指标已升级到第二级水。副县长陈



Blackwater head farewell smell the leather industry Pingyang shock rebirth

Pingyang water for many years wearing the “hat国字号pollution” was finally removed successfully. A few days ago, the only province to be listed on the supervision of the State Environmental Protection Administration of the tight watch District - Binh Duong leather head through the work of Al-Pollution Remediation provincial leading group for environmental remediation of the site inspection.

“摘帽,” the head, the environment really changed? Recently, the reporter returned to-head interview, in the past, pungent smell than the smell, the ink the same as a clean stream. Are the local villagers drying rice ZHENG Huai Miao said happily: “It’s really big changes over the past year, and now the river and the fish and shrimp.”

“The scientific concept of development requirements and the voices of ordinary people, not only the training firm determination, but also gave birth to the concept of change control pollution, the environmental capacity settings capacity, so that the leather industry ’shock’ after rebirth, head only change today. “Pingyang are appointed secretary of Qiu Yang told reporters.

from the last century, the origin of the 80’s head tanning industry, to the beginning of this century has more than 1,200 enterprises, annual processing pigskin 120,000,000, annual production value of nearly 40 billion, is China’s largest pig leather production base, known as “China Paper are.” However, economic development is a high environmental price. Shuitou tannery pollution Aojiang basic loss of water quality functions, Blackwater smell south of Yangtze River has become polluted so badly hit.

since 2004, comprehensively promote the head Pingyang base tanning, tanning business mergers from 1290 re-composition of 165, to speed up the construction of a sewage treatment plant, but have not been fundamental to alleviate pollution. In Wenzhou city, under the guidance of Pingyang County Committee, the county government to prevent water pollution and the concept of change and make a resolve to: “with shock therapy, the first full production to resume production of the number determined by the environmental carrying capacity!”

According to the environmental capacity倒逼capacity compression, “壮士断腕” as a result of remediation began. At 6:00 p.m. on November 15, 2006, head full stop tanning industry regulation, mergers and reorganizations. More than nine months later, the 165 leather enterprises reorganized into 39. Here, Pingyang County Government to show more than 140 million yuan of funds to compensate the enterprise. August 20 this year, 39 newly formed companies to resume production, “Blue Sky”, “green” and other six sewage treatment plants also officially running. This is behind the philosophy and methods of pollution control has undergone a qualitative change: from the original “how much has the number of pollution control plant capacity building” to “the number of pollution control has the ability to arrange the number of production” now become “the number of environmental capacity, arrangements for the number of productive capacity. ” This has brought significant changes in the water environment, according to the latest Detect Wenzhou EPA reported that the water quality of the recent restoration Aojiang Obviously, some indicators have been upgraded to second-class water. Deputy Magistrate Chen

Bao told reporters: ” ‘摘帽’ are a new starting point, we must ’strict supervision of a heart of stone’,偷排tight control,漏排.” Today, the head of the local people, environmental awareness has increased Once the town streams color change, the masses will be called to the surrounding environmental protection department or leather CMC report. The county provides, such as found in sewage has malicious偷排will be 50,000 yuan reward whistle-blowers.

more gratifying is that the “shock” after the rebirth of the head quietly tanning industry is in transition to extend the leather processing industry. It is understood that the first 3 quarters, leather output less than 4 billion, while the production of belts, wallets of the enterprises in the domestic and international market share is rapidly expanding, leather goods production has been close to 20 billion, is expected to become a new Pingyang The pillar industries. (07-12-3)

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