在办公家具行业的出口增长显着上升的专业化« oursolo.net




The growing professionalization of the office furniture industry exports increased significantly

China’s furniture industry since the reform and opening up, has developed rapidly. Furniture production technology constantly updated, ever-increasing variety of furniture, and has gradually formed specialized production, furniture enterprise management level is also constantly improve.

China has become a furniture-producing countries, in 2005 furniture exports 13.767 billion U.S. dollars, ranking first in the world. Furniture are all over the world output of 230 billion U.S. dollars, the Chinese are approximately 42 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 18% of the total. Furniture imports and exports are all over the world 86 billion U.S. dollars, China’s 14.2 billion U.S. dollars to complete, that is, 13.7 billion U.S. dollars of exports, more than six hundred million U.S. dollars of imports. In this way, China’s share of world trade in furniture imports and exports 17%. 1-10 months of this year, China’s furniture exports of 14.1 billion U.S. dollars, this year has exceeded last year’s 13.7 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 28%. According to statistics, this year, 1-10 months, the growth rate of above-scale enterprises, or 28 percent, that is, the growth rate of the industry with the export growth rate is nearly 30%. This can be said that China’s furniture industry is a thriving industry. office furniture

the gradual formation of a professional. The past is桌椅板凳furniture, civil and office are too close to, nor how good points. Over the past few years on the separation of many types, such as office furniture, kitchen furniture, traditional furniture, as well as furniture such as guest houses. Office furniture also use different materials and different production techniques, different product standards, the use of different occasions, in addition to different sales approach, different after-sales service, have prompted the formation of specialized furniture. In some example, like the kitchen furniture production, sale, installation and general furniture enterprises are quite different. They do a good job in the factory yard to go to every household after the installation, and also do a good job of after-sales service. Office furniture and general civil furniture sales have vastly different, so gradually formed on the specialization. Office furniture export volume of China’s exports accounted for a large proportion of office furniture exports in 2005 accounting for 6.5% of exports, with exports amounting to 899 million U.S. dollars. Among them, the wooden office furniture are 310 million U.S. dollars, metal office furniture are 112 million U.S. dollars, 478 million yuan are swivel chairs, this volume should be said to be very sizeable. Nearly 900 million U.S. dollars export of office furniture, office furniture companies are making contributions. (07-12-3)

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