

lightweight portable mixer,scattered mixer,top-mixer

以下为lightweight portable mixer,scattered mixer,top-mixer详细参数信息,lightweight portable mixer,scattered mixer,top-mixer图片由无锡托普搅拌设备有限公司提供,lightweight portable mixer,scattered mixer,top-mixer

lightweight portable mixer,scattered mixer,top-mixer
最小起订量:1      计量单位:无      产品单价:1.00      供货总量:1

轻便可移式搅拌机lightweight portable mixer 特点: 1. 结构紧凑、体积小、重量轻 2. 运转平稳,承受能力大,寿命长 3. 转动效率高,效率在97%以上 4. 主要零部件都经过精密加工,并通过精心组装和测试,因而噪音小 Features: 1. Compact structure, small volume, light weight 2. Smooth running, bear ability, long service life 3. Rotation high efficiency, the efficiency in 97% 4. The main components are machined, and through carefully assemble and test, so little noise 有调速功能 Have speed adjustment

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