

婚姻法离婚律师Attorney at law of PRC, Licensing & Franchise

以下为婚姻法离婚律师Attorney at law of PRC, Licensing & Franchise详细参数信息,婚姻法离婚律师Attorney at law of PRC, Licensing & Franchise图片由大成律师事务所广州分所提供,婚姻法离婚律师Attorney at law of PRC, Licensing & Franchise

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Mr. Wang, attorney at law,(13751739035,http://),graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law with Master degree in law , and now practices in Peking DaChen(Guangzhou)) Law Office. He is often interviewed by Guangzhou Daily, Nanfang Daily, News Express on hot legal issues. He provided legal advice to listed companies and many famous firms in China, He has also provided legal services for a variety of businesses from Europe, Japan, Korea, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, including investing companies, shipping companies, forwarders, international infrastructure and engineering companies, hotels, international trading companies, real estate developers, printing and advertising companies some of which are publicly traded companies in US, HK and China.. Sun Wang has handled about 30 foreign direct investment projects, over 100 international trade cases and plays the role of legal counsel for over 30 foreign companies.

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