

三维排水网低价销售 孙叶 18605388922

以下为三维排水网低价销售 孙叶 18605388922详细参数信息,三维排水网低价销售 孙叶 18605388922图片由泰安市佳瑞建材有限公司提供,三维排水网低价销售 孙叶 18605388922

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您好,我们是泰安市佳瑞建材有限公司,我们供应 ◆三维排水网(又名三维土工排水板、隧道排放水板、排放水板)由立体结构的塑料网双面粘接渗水土工布组成,可替代传统的沙粒和砾石层,主要用于垃圾填埋场、路基和隧道内壁的排水。 ◆Three-D drainage net (also called 3D geotechnical drainage board, tunnel-drainage board, drainage board) which is consisted with plastic net and per-meated geotextile both sides, can instead of traditional gravel sand. It is used for the drainage of the rubbish filling site, road base and the inside of the tunnel 欢迎各界人士来电询问 顺祝 商祺! 联系人:孙叶 电话:18605388922

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