

深圳市宝星微科技有限公司是一家专业的电子元器件现货供应商,公司于1995年成立至今,一直专注于SST,ISSI,Microchip,LYONTEK,Greenliant,MXIC,WINBONB等产品推广及应用,产品广泛应用于智能手机、平板电脑、智能穿戴、车载系统、医疗设备、工业控制、航空和智能家居等众多领域,公司拥有丰富的行业经验、成熟的营销网络。一直以来,宝星微公司对产品质量的控制始终保持一贯严谨的作风,在行业内拥有极高的知名度和美誉度。 公司秉持“诚信敬业,质量{dy}”的精神,以“原装xx,持续现货供应,低利润”的经营方法,愿与新老客户共同发展,并将持之以恒,创造市场价格新低,协助客户提高竞争力! Company Background: SHENZHEN BAOXINGWEI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. established in 1995 and dedicates to promote in SST,ISSI,Microchip,LYONTEK,Greenliant,MXIC,WINBONB, SDRAM SAMSUNG and Hynix. We provide technical support and electronics components in communication, industrial control and electronics consumer product application. For 10 years, “Strict Product Quality” makes us to have good reputation in electronics component industry. “Genuine attitude & Good Quality” is the spirit of our company and ensure the product in original, sustainable stock and low profit margin. We would like to create opportunities to potential and prospectus customer for develop low price with increase competitiveness.