

五层软管挤出机 上海博睦实业有限公司 021-56556997

以下为五层软管挤出机 上海博睦实业有限公司 021-56556997详细参数信息,五层软管挤出机 上海博睦实业有限公司 021-56556997图片由上海市包装机械有限公司提供,五层软管挤出机 上海博睦实业有限公司 021-56556997

五层软管挤出机 上海博睦实业有限公司 021-56556997
最小起订量:1      计量单位:B?JG-Ⅴ      产品单价:询价      供货总量:0

主要用途: Usage: 用于软管包装行业对全塑软管进行挤出成形 It’s used for extruding soft tubes. Features: 五层管组成由外层、内层、两个粘合层,另有阻隔层。其有极好的气体阻隔性能,能有效防止氧气和异味气体的渗入,同时防止内物香味及有效成份的渗出。 5-layers tubes is made up of outer layer, inner layer, 2 sticking layers and a shielding layer; it has perfect insulation to air, and can prevent oxygen and different smell penetrating into the tube, as well as preventing in-tube content and adore leakage. 2.即使模头外形结构复杂、体形大,但操作无异于单层机,挤出时层与层之间分部均匀并塑化性好。 2.Though it has large size and complex structure, the operation is same as single layer extruder; each layer is placed evening with good plasticity. 3.每层由各自螺杆独立完成 3. Each layer is made by separate screw. 4.操作电路系统、温控系统由台湾原厂的专业的工程师设计,加热丝及螺杆电机由台湾原装进口,保证了机械的长时间地工作。 4.Electrical system and temperature controlling system is designed by professional Taiwanese engineer; Heating wires and screw motor is imported from Taiwan, to ensure long hours working of the machine. 技术参数: Technical parameters: 产品直径:16~60 Tube diameter:16~60 生产速度:10米/分钟 Capacity:10m/min 配套电机:外/内层电机为5.5KW; 粘合层/阻隔层电机3.7KW; 切台电机:0.75KW 真空泵:1.5KW; 伺服电机:0.85KW 牵引台电机:1.5KW Motors:outer/inner layer motor 5.5KW; sticking layer/shielding layer motor 3.7KW; cutting table motor:0.75KW; vacuum pump:1.5KW; servo motor:0.85KW drawing table motor:1.5KW 加热总功率: 50KW Heating power: 50KW 工作水压:1.5~2.5兆帕 Working water pressure:1.5~2.5MPa 五层软管挤出机 上海博睦实业有限公司 021-56556997

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