【详细介绍】 育空设计的NVMT夜视单简要求轻巧,结构紧凑和外形独特。它的xx,为户外运动爱好者采取从一项体育赛事到狩猎。育空地区的{dj2}脉冲?系统,红外线( IR ) ,照明灯,提供红外照明,为提高图象的,而留无形,以人眼和动物的眼睛是雪亮的。脉搏?系统利用快速红外能量连发表示,渗透,进一步增加距离,能见度和图像质量,无显着性电池排水或不合时宜红外倦怠。该nvmt海狼系列,是能够被淹没在至少3英尺的水中至少24小时内无任何损害。xx使用于极端天气条件,例如雨,雪,污垢和灰尘。 YUKON 单简夜视仪NV MT-2 3x42WP 详细说明
24022WP |
放大倍率, x |
3 |
物镜直径 (mm) |
42 |
Generation 1 |
中心分辨率, lines/mm
36 |
视场角, degree
20° |
观察距离, m(环境照度:0.05Lux,1/4月光.识别人 ) |
250m |
屈光调节度, D
电源电压, V
3V (1xCR123A)
红外发射器工作距离, m
三角架接口, inch
1/4 |
电池工作时间(with/without IR), hour
20/40 |
工作温度, °C
-30ºC ~~ +40ºC
{zd0}湿度, %
93 |
产品尺寸, mm
产品重量, kg
0.5 |
NVMT 2 (3x42) WP Sku # 24022WP |
Yukon engineered the NVMT line of night vision monoculars to be lightweight, compact and surprisingly affordable. It's perfect for the outdoor enthusiast to take from a sporting event to a hunt. Yukon's exclusive PULSE™ system Infrared (IR) Illuminator provides infrared lighting for an enhanced image, while staying invisible to the human eye and animal's eyes. The PULSE™ system utilizes quick IR energy bursts that penetrate further to increase distance, visibility and image quality, without significant battery drainage or untimely IR burnout. The NVMT Seawolf series is capable of being submersed in at least 3-feet of water for at least 24 hours without any damage. They are ideal use under extreme weather conditions such as rain, snow, dirt and dust. |
Body Description |
The ergonomically designed, durable, RUBBER ARMOR™ body fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and can fit in your pocket for those quick escapes. It's perfect for travel and prolonged use. The body of the unit is absolutely waterproof and keeps working even after complete submersion into water. |
Optics / Performance |
The NVMT's newly developed lenses maximize light amplification through improved frequency/contrast characteristics. |