Carprog Full V9.31 ECU flash 汽车芯片工具安全气囊重设修复






    Carprog Full v9.31 ECU chip tool

    ID NO:CTE019


    CARPROG FULL V9.31 (with most Software is activated and all 21 items Adapters), was designed with regard to demands of our customers to have universal tool for car radios, odometers, dashboards, immobilizers repair including advanced functions like EEPROM and microcontroller programmer, key transponder programmer.



    1. Make the Universal tool - CARPROG inside have powerful 16-bit MPU and full set of automotive interface drivers. In basic version you will get hardware with extra functions: 12 input/output pins for EEPROM in-circuit programmer, future possibility's to make on the same hardware Microcontroller programmer, Immobilizer Transponder Key programmer with antenna adapter for 125/134 kHz, K-line diagnostic (dashboard odometer programming, immobilizer key programming), CAN line diagnostic,+5V/+12V output, USB, power supply only from USB.

    2. Make the Low Cost tool - with CARPROG basic you will receive many extra functions (like car radio code calculator CC1, EEPROM programmer and V dashboard's programmer by CAN) and all additional software's you can buy extra according your need.

    3. Make it User Friendly - Windows XP software, works without any installations, on all PC, use USB to PC link, all adapters schematics diagrams on-line.


    CARPROG FULL V9.31 Softwares:

    >ECU-OPEL - OPEL login reader from motor hybrid ECU. Works with ME1.5.5, Siemens SIMTEC71, SIMTEC71.1, Delco Diesel, Delco Multec.

    >OPEL CAN - Opel ECU by CAN programmer - read/change mileage in EDC16, MT35E, HSFI 2.2 read PIN, reset ECU

    >PSG16 - Opel PSG16 diesel pump by OBDII - read/change mileage, read PIN, reset ECU

    >OPEC28 - Opel Siemens Simtec ECU Tool Advanced


    Carprog Full Airbag:  

    S5.1 -  (Ad, VW, Skda, Seat) Airbag Reset Tool

    S5.2 - for BM Airbag Reset Tool

    S5.3 - for MB Airbag Reset Tool

    S5.4 - FOD Airbag Reset Tool

    S5.5 - G  M Airbag Reset Tool by OBDII

    S5.6 - CARPROG CR16 Airbag tool - Ad, MB, Fod, Vovo

    S5.7 - Renault Airbag reset tool

    S5.8 - Peuget Airbag Reset tool

    S5.9 - Citren Airbag Reset tool

    S5.10 - for Hds Airbag Reset tool

    S5.11 - Ad Airbag reset tool by direct connection to EEPROM or MPU

    S5.14 - Fod Airbag Reset tool by direct connection to EEPROM or MPU

    S5.16 - Hyundi Airbag Reset tool

    S5.17 - KIA Airbag Reset tool

    S5.18 - Lexu Airbag Reset tool

    S5.19 - R Airbag Reset tool

    S5.21 - Mada Airbag Reset tool

    S5.22 – M airbag reset tool

    S5.23 - N Airbag reset tool

    S5.20 - for MB Airbag Reset tool by direct connection

    S5.25 - Opel Airbag reset tool by direct connection

    S5.27 - Saab Airbag reset tool by direct connection

    S5.28 - Su ba ru Airbag reset tool by direct connection

    S5.30 –TIS Airbag reset tool by direct connection

    S5.31 - Alfa Romeo Airbag Reset Tool

    S5.32 - Fit Airbag Reset Tool

    S5.33 – P Airbag Reset Tool

    S5.34 - Suzki Airbag Reset Tool

    S5.35 - Vo l vo Airbag Reset Tool

    S5.36 - Daewoo Airbag Reset Tool


    CarProg Full Dash:

    S7.1 - V CAN programmer

    S7.2 - CarProg Dashboard programming

    S7.3 - CarProg Dashboard programming package update

    S7.4 - Fit KM correction by OBDII

    S7.5 - MB ASSYST explorer

    S7.6 - VDO dash decrypt tool - Skda Roomster, SuperB, VW Polo, Ad A3, A6, Allroad with 93C86 odometer change and PIN reading

    S7.7 - Fod odometer change by OBDII (by CAN)

    S7.8 - VW 2007+ by OBD - Golf, Passat, Eos, Touran, Tiguan, Octavia with Micronas by diagnostic

    S7.9 - V VDO dashboards by K-line OBDII diagnostic - VW T5, Passat B5, Skod SuperB and others

    2J74Y AD - Ad 2J74Y repair software for CarProg


    CarProg Immo:

    S4.1 – TIS Key Programmer

    S4.2 - For Lexu key programmer

    S4.3 - For Daihatsu Key Programmer

    S4.4 - CarProg BM Key programmer

    S4.5 - for MB Key programmer

    S4.6 - For RENAULT Megane/Scenic infrared key programmer

    S4.7 - Kessy tool - A8, Touareg, Phaeton, Cayenne PIN code reader


    CarProg Processor:  

    S2.1 - CARPROG Motorola (Freescale) HC05 MPU programmer

    S2.2 - CARPROG Motorola (Freescale) HC11 MPU programmer

    S2.3 - CARPROG Motorola (Freescale) HC08 MPU programmer

    S2.4 - CARPROG Motorola (Freescale) 912 and 9S12 MPU


    CarProg Programmer:

    ST92 - ST92F120, ST92F150, ST92F250 internal EEPROM programmer


    CarProg Radio Code:  

    S6.1 - CARPROG CC1

    S6.2 - CARPROG CC2

    S6.3 - CARPROG CCN

    S6.4 - Car Radio decoder

    S6.5 - For Renault Car Radio decoder by serial number

    S6.6 - For Ad/VW/Seat/Skod car radio decoding software

    RNS510 - Navigation decoding tool by Navi diagnostic


    CarProg ADAPTERS:

    1: CarProg Main harware interface

    2: A1 - OBD2 Adapter Cable (Inside have K-line and CAN bus switches. Use with all cars complained with OBDII standard)

    3: D1 - Odometer-airbag Adapter  (Dashboard ,Airbag programming adapter )

    4: A3 - Transponder Antenna ( Used with all CARPROG immobiliser software )

    5: A10 - Motorola Adapter Cable  (Motorola MCU programing adapter )

    6: A11 - BMW EWS Adapter Cable   ( Used with BMW Immo software )

    7: A16 - Car radio Cable   ( Used for Opel, Renault, Peugeot, Citroen car radio made by Philips decoding)

    8: A15 - Cable  (Used with D1 adapter ,Universal car dashboard and airbag programming adapter )

    9: A17 - Honda Airbag OBD2 Cable  (Adapter for Honda airbag reset by OBDII )

    10: A4 - Eeprom Adapter Cable   (Used for eeprom programming)

    11: A5 - DIP8 Clip Cable   (DIP8 Clip for eeprom programming)

    12: A6 - SOIC8 Clip Cable   (SOIC8 Clip for eeprom programming)

    13: A7 - MB 38-Pin Cable   (Used with MB Airbag and dashboard software)

    14: A8 - BMW 20-Pin Cable (Used with BMW airbag and dashboard software )

    15: RNS510 Adapter Cable  (RNS510 radio decoding interface cable )

    16: VOLVO FORD CAN 2006+ Cable   (Needed for airbag and dashboard programming)

    17: FIAT CAN 2006 Cable   (Needed for airbag and dashboard programming)

    18: C1 OBD2 Female Cable

    19: USB Cable

    20: Power cable

    21: CD   (Software V9.31)

    郑重声明:产品 【Carprog Full V9.31 ECU flash 汽车芯片工具安全气囊重设修复】由 深圳市车维科技有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku #或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。