



    福建省泉州市迈辉化工贸易公司携手新新(香港)控股有限公司把安贝德安全轮胎带入中国大陆市场共同推广。公司是集销售、服务、贸易、投资的一体化、多元化的现代化企业。公司的合作生产厂商是制造和销售为一体的大型外资企业 ,拥有国内外{yl}的先进生产设备,厂商倚靠强大的研发能力、精密的生产检测设备和先进的企业管理水平,生产的TBR、PCR轮胎远销欧美、中东、非洲、东南亚等地,优质的产品和服务深受客户喜爱。 With Xin Xin Holding Ltd., Fujian Quanzhou Mai Hui Chemical Trading Company (the Company) is introducing AnBeiDe tires into the market of mainland China. The Company is providing integrated and diversified business of product sales, maintenance services, international trade and investment. The Company is strategically partnered with foreign manufacturer that has first-class equipment and provides sales services. Relying on superb Research and Development, advanced manufacturing and testing equipment, and excellent corporate management, the TBR and PCR tires produced by this manufacturer are best sellers in Europe, America, Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia markets. 生产商2005年落地于越南胡志明市的西宁省福东工业园内,PCR工厂占地面积840亩,总投资额达9000万美元,年生产2000万条轮胎,包含有13”~32”的HP、UHP、HT、AT、MT、LT、ZR等各类产品,公司分别从德国、意大利、美国、日本等引进的生产流水线和检测设备,并和欧美先进的轮胎生产技术与管理团队合作,生产的轮胎在外观、质量和安全舒适性能方面均处于{lx1}水平。 The Company was set up in Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Xining Fudong Industrial Park. With a total investment of USD 90 Million, the PCR factory covers an area of 840 acres. The annual production capacity reaches 20 million tires with 13 "to 32" of HP, UHP, HT, AT, MT, LT, ZR, and other products. The Company introduced new technology and management model, as well as invested heavily in the most advanced tire production technology, and the most advanced production line and testing equipment from Germany, Italy, the United States, Japan, and Europe and America, to produce the world-leading tires with good appearance, high quality and safes performance.


    郑重声明:产品 【安贝德小车轮胎】由 泉州市迈辉化工贸易有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。