



    洛奇品牌的由来,源自英文Rock Kids,意为拥有“自由、创新和独立”精神的孩子,我们引进世界各地的{yx}课程,为3至12岁的孩子提供享誉全球的先进教育理念,同时结合国内美术培训 与考试的发展方向,培养具有高度审美能力与创作能力的美学新星,为儿童美术教育树立xxxx,打造全球范围内的艺术教育xxxx。</p><p>在洛奇自由、开放而大胆的艺术环境里,每一位孩子将充分发挥内心的艺术潜能,并通过专业老师的引导,逐步探寻美学世界的奥秘,将创作与灵感贯穿在每一次游戏与逻辑思维训练当中,随着基本功的进步,我们为之提供更为严苛的技法训练,为孩子今后的艺术人生之旅铺平道路。</p><p>洛奇相信,每一个孩子都是艺术家。</p><p>Luo Qi, the origin of the brand, derived from English “Rock Kids”, it means the children who are full of the spirit of "freedom, innovation and independent", we introduce excellent courses all over the world, provide the advanced education concept of the world's most prestigious for children from 3 to 12 , and combining with the development direction of domestic art training and examination, to cultivate the future artists with highly aesthetic ability and creative ability, setting up the industry benchmark for the children arts education , to build a leading brand of art education in the global range.</p><p>In the free, open and bold art environment of Luo Qi, every child will give full play to the inner potential of art, and through the guidance of professional teachers, the mysteries of the aesthetic world will be explored gradually, they will develop creation and inspiration in every game and logical thinking training, with the progress of basic skills, we offer the more rigorous training in techniques, to pave the way of the art life journey in the future for the children.</p><p>Luo Qi believes that every child is an artist</p><p>洛奇国际教育中心湖里万达店位于万达广场写字楼c2栋402,中心开设创造力涂鸦(3-6岁)、还开设德国HABA数学逻辑思维(3-10岁)、创意童画(5-8岁)、洛奇画室(6-12岁)等儿童艺术课程,中心每周都将安排3-12岁儿童的免费体验课,专业的HABA授课老师将带领孩子们开启大脑之旅。详情请致电万达中心电话咨询:5510967.

    郑重声明:产品 【厦门洛奇国际教育中心,为3至12岁儿童提供专业绘画课程】由 洛奇国际教育中心 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。