TulsionÒA-2X mp 弱碱型阴离子树脂 TULSION?A-2X mp 是一款苯乙稀系列具有四级氨的高品貭大孔型弱碱型阴离子交换树脂。并同时拥有{jj1}的物理及化学穏定品貭 , 使其得以提供优越动能及比凝胶型弱碱型阴离子树脂具有较大机械强度抗破损。 TULSION?A-2X mp is an extremely durable macro-porous week base anion exchange resin characterized by tertiary amine groups attached to a styrene divinyl benzene copolymer matrix. It has unique physical structure that gives it superior kinetics and greater resistance to osmotic shock than gel type weak base anion exchangers.
TULSION?A-2Xmp能以较少的碱有效再生 ,具有较高的工作交换容量。比凝胶型阴离子更具能抵抗有机物的污染。TULSION?A-2Xmp 以自由基型式供货 ,并能马上使用。 TULSION?A-2X mp yields exceptionally high operating capacity on caustic soda regeneration and has low rinse requirements. It has a higher resistance to organic matter than gel type anion exchangers. TULSION?A-2X mp is supplied as spherical moist beads in the free base form , ready to use.
TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS – 基本特性型式(Type):Marcro-porous weak basic Anion Exchange Resin大孔型弱碱型阴离子交换树脂
主体結構(Matrix structure):Polystyrene Copolymer , 聚苯酚共聚物
功能基(Functional group):Tertiary Amine , 4级胺
离子型式(Ionic form):Chloride , 氯离子
均匀系数(Uniformity coefficient):Max. 1.25
平均粒径(Harmonic Mean size)0.3 – 1.2 mm.
全交换容量(Total Exchange Capacity):1.30 meq/ ml
含水份(Moisture content (approx.)):40- 48 %
pH范围(pH range):0 to 14
溶解率(Solubility):Insoluble in all common solvents.
允许温度(Maximum temp. stability):60癈 (140篎)
微粒含量(Fines Content):Less than 0.5% through 50 U.S. mesh
密度(Backwash settled density)Shipping Weight::42 to 44 lbs/ft3 (670-710 g/l) 30 g / Lit (Approx.)
For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These date are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on his own processing equipment.
For further information, please contact:17090831380,,13917047856,QQ315684815.