404 (Page Not Found) Error - Ever feel like you're in the wrong place?
Ever feel you're in the wrong place
404 (Page Not Found) Error
If you're the site owner, one of two things happened:
1) You entered an incorrect URL into your browser's address bar, or
2) You haven't uploaded content.
If you're a visitor and not sure what happened:
1) You entered or copied the URL incorrectly or
2) The link you used to get here is faulty.
(It's an excellent idea to let the link owner know.)
■ 适合模具、钳工、检测、维修、组装等各种不同用途使用。
■ 组合式设计、拆装容易。
■ 结构坚固,平均荷重1000公斤。
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■ 耐冲击桌面及不锈钢桌面可另加装虎钳。
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1. 多种工作台面可选;
2. 可配合挂板,上架,挂钩及电器配件,组合各种不同用途之测试桌,并可依据客户的需求设计;打造特殊用途之工作桌,有效提高工作效率。