




    Our company specializing in the production of stainless steel clean floor drain is purification workshop dedicated floor drain JHD is according to the imported products floor drain, combined with the actual situation of our country, design and manufacture. Dedicated to the clean room, anti-corrosion effect, anti dust, anti gas, water purification plant is absolutely not allowed to use ordinary floor drain, purification workshop floor drain, must solve the sewage, clean water seal, gas seal technology. The material is divided into stainless steel drain material 202, 304 material, 316L material specifications, 2 inch, 3 inch, 4 inch. The whole floor drain is made of stainless steel, smooth surface; the panel door handle, and ensure the overall coordination and smooth surface; the double seal (seal combined with water) to ensure air tightness; compared with the ordinary floor drain, the drain can long period stainless steel soaked in water and corrosion, prolong the service life effectively to clean the floor drain; in time, the floor drain in the removable floor drain riser screw out, completely discharged sewage in the drain, clean it and plug it back in situ, and there is no floor drain health corner, suitable for washing the floor drain drainage in asepsis room; every time, only in the drain is poured into the amount of disinfectant can ensure that there are clean production environment. Wenzhou stainless steel drain manufacturers price moderate price welcome the customers to negotiate orders!

    郑重声明:产品 【网框地漏DN63】由 温州市万林机械有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。