徐生:一三五八零九零一七六六,东莞波尔塑胶代理销售PC D20009P阻燃耐磨PC,欢迎来电洽谈合作!徐生:一三五八零九零一七六六13580901766。LNP* Lubriloy* D20009P is a compound based on Polycarbonate resin containing Flame Retardant, Proprietary Lubricant. Added features of this material include: Internally Lubricated, Flame Retardant, Easy Molding.
Also known as: LNP* Lubriloy* Compound D- EP FR,Product reorder name: D20009P。
Features:Flame Retardant;Good Moldability;Lubricated。
Drying Temperature 100 °C;
Drying Time 4.0 hr;
Suggested Max Moisture 0.020 %;
Rear Temperature 293 to 304 °C;
Middle Temperature 299 to 310 °C;
Front Temperature 304 to 316 °C;
Processing (Melt) Temp 304 to 316 °C;
Mold Temperature 65.6 to 93.3 °C;
Back Pressure 0.172 to 0.344 MPa;
Screw Speed 30 to 60 rpm。