粉煤灰专用选粉机 三分离选粉机 江苏赛隆专业选粉机



    工作原理 Ⅱ.Working principle SLX系列{gx}抗结露组合型双子选粉机的结构示意图见图1, For the SLX series high-efficient agglomeration-proof combined type double-rotor powder selecting machine’s 其工作原理为: systematic structural drawing, refer to Figure1.Its workings principles are: 出磨物料由选粉机上部料斗进入选粉机内壳,落到与转子成一体的组合式螺旋桨散料盘上 1.Materials to be grinded enter from hopper over the powderselecting machine into the inner case of the 在散料盘的高速旋转作用下,物料一方面受到惯性离心力作用向四周撤出, machine,then fall onto the combined type propeller material distributing tray.Driven by the high speed rotation of 在散料盘螺旋桨叶片上形成物料沸腾。同时螺旋桨散料盘叶片产生的上升气流作用向上扬起 the material centrifugal force.And at the same time, they fly upward under the function of the upflowcreated by the 物料中较细的颗粒向上飘起,呈悬浮分散状态, blades of the propeller material distributing tray.thus the materials are as if boiling over the blades of the propeller 而较粗或较重的物料被散料盘叶片 material distributing tray. The finer particles are floated upward in floating and scattering state. While the thicker or 分散沿筒壁落下,完成{dy}次选粉。 heavier particles fall down along the wall of the cylinder. Thus the powder selecting for the first time finishes 散料盘下方设有下笼形转子10,下笼形转子随主轴一起转动, 2.Tere is a lower cage-shape rotor 10 under the material diatributing tray. The lower cage-shape rotor rotates along 形成涡旋气流,将沿筒壁落下的较粗重的物料再次打散,的细粉向上扬起 with the main shaft to create a vortex airflow.Thise vortex airflow re-scatters the thicker or heavier particles falling 其中,重新回到循环风中, down along the wall of the cylinder. Then the finer particles in them are raised and flied upward and return to the ir 再次分级粗粉经滴流装置, circulating ato be re-graded.While the thicker or heavier particles are discharged out Through the trickle device from 从内锥
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