




    l         Vertical Laboratory Vacuum Hot Press furnace for thermal processing of research materials

    l         Temperature - rated for up to 1500°C maximum while pressing; ramp rate, 10°C/minute nominal

    l         Hot press - single 5 ton automatic ram in top with fixed pedestal on bottom

    l         Ram travel - 4” stroke length

    l         Work area - 4” diameter x 6” high, graphite hot zone

    l         Vacuum - ultimate vacuum <25μ; leak rate <10μ/hour CEDORT (Clean, Empty, Dry, Outgassed at Room Temperature)

    l         Controls - automatic ramp / soak temperature control; manual control of vacuum pumps and ram pressure

    l         Options available for higher temperatures, improved vacuum levels, metal hot zones for clean processing and enhanced controls



    l         Vertical jacketed chamber - 16” diameter x 16” high, nominal dimensions

    l         All SA-516-70 mild steel construction, chamber, jacket, cover and flanges

    l         Top-loading chamber - cover raised with manual hydraulic jack, swings aside for full access to load, with buna o-ring, manual clamps, for operation from vacuum to 3 psig


    HOT ZONE(热区)

    l         Vertical graphite hot zone - graphite element cage, rigid graphite board insulation

    l         Dimensions - sized for 4” diameter by 6” high die set

    l         Temperature - rated for continuous operation at 1500°C while pressing

    l         Heated all around perimeter; not heated on ends

    l         System can operate in vacuum or inert gas


    l         Hydraulic press - automatic 5 ton cylinder, 4” stroke, mounted above chamber

    l         Load train - 3” diameter graphite ram, 3” diameter water-cooled ram extension

    l         Graphite pedestal for bottom support of die, rated for 5 tons

    l         Press control - manual pump with dial pressure gauge

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