What’s the black molybdenum disulfide|Molybdenum disuMolybdenum disulfide greaselfide extreme pressure lithium based grease|



    Molybdenum disulfide diffusion is the migration of atoms, ions or molecules occurred due to thermal motion. The proliferation of solid is through the relative displacement of atoms, ions or molecules in the solids. Diffusion of atoms in the polycrystalline may through the lattice diffusion, surface diffusion, grain boundary diffusion and dislocation diffusion 4 different ways. Among them, surface diffusion (ie, the migration of atoms in the crystal surface), required the minimum diffusion activation energy. The heat which many metal surface diffusion required is about 6217 kJ / mol. As the temperature increases, more and more surface atoms can get sufficiently activated energy which can make it rupture to neighboring atoms and move along the surface.? In the study, a slight grinding of MoS2 coating, when the leakage of the substrate,the substrate is not found in the original bright color, but light black, after cleaning, maintaining a constant light black, which indicates that olybdenum sulfide particles also exists in the matrix, although small, but shows the presence of diffusion. That is in the testing process, when the MoS2 molecules is in close contact with the substrate surface , due to deformation or heating effect between the coating and substrate, there will have a small spread which can increase the binding between the coating and substrate strength.
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