供应合成树脂瓦广州朗居建材135 80 38 7520梁小姐



    产品介★主瓦广州朗居建材有限公司 专业生产销售PC耐力板、阳光板、热成型 http://www.pc-sunhouse.cn 电话:020-83386407 厚度:(3.0±0.1)mm 重量:(7.2±0.2)kg/㎡ 宽度:880mm/720mm 长度:不定尺 朗居合成树脂瓦是我公司引进欧洲先进工艺技术,并在此基础上进行了优化创新,选用美国通用电气公司高新材料集团生产的GELOY?XTW超耐侯性工程树脂和PVC双层共挤成型.此类产品在美、意、德、法、比、荷等发达国家已有数十年的发展史并被广泛应用于各种{yj}性建筑屋面,兼具优异的装饰效果和{zy1}的防水性能。 本产品最突出的特点是色泽丰富、亮丽、经久不退色;造型美观,超富立体感且符合中国建筑文化特色,同时具有防火防水、耐酸碱、低噪音、绝缘保温、抗风防震、绿色环保、质量易安装等优异特性。是各类{yj}性建筑屋面装饰防水防腐的理想材料,尤其适用于我国目前大力推广的“平改坡”工程。 SUNHOUSE Synthetic resin tile is produced with advanced technology from Europe and further developed GELOY.XTW high weather resistance engineering resin and PVC double-extrusion technology. This product is widely used in various types of permanent architectural roof decoration with several decades’ history in the United States, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands and other developed countries. It is excellent decorative effect and excellent water resistance in both. The most prominent feature of synthetic tile is rich color, beautiful and durable; It is three-dimensional and meet the cultural characteristics of Chinese architecture. At the same time it is also fire and water resistance , acid and alkali resistance, low noise, thermal insulation, anti wind and earthquake, environmental, light and easy to install .it is ideal material for various permanent building roofing decoration to protect from water and corrosion, especially for our country promoting the "flat to slope" project. {zy1}的自防水性能 合成树脂瓦选用的高耐候性树脂本身致密且不吸水,不存在微孔渗水的问题。装饰瓦单张面积大,屋面接缝很少,且搭接处结合严密,因此拥有自防水性能。只要按照安装要求认真正确的施工,可省去防水层,从而大大降低了建筑物造
    郑重声明:产品 【供应合成树脂瓦广州朗居建材135 80 38 7520梁小姐】由 广州朗居阳光板耐力板建材有限公司 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。