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xx职业生涯管理的调查与分析? 李璐1 (1.天津商业大学 公共管理学院,天津 300134) 摘要:文章采用实地调研的方法,对xx的职业生涯管理状况进行调查和分析。xx的职业生涯管理一方面表现为个人规划意识不强,职业发展定位不明确;另一方面则表现为公安机关及其领导对xx职业发展的管理与机制缺位。针对这些问题,运用职业生涯相关理论,提出了xx职业生涯锚的构想以及在职业生涯发展中提供组织帮助的一些方法,实现xx个人发展与组织发展目标的协调与统一。 关键词:xx;职业生涯;职业锚;组织帮助 Investigation and Analyses of Career Management on the Police WANG Ruiwen1, LI Lu1 (1.The Department of Public Administration, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134) Abstract: This paper uses field research methods, conducts an investigation and analysis on the career management of the police. Career management of the police performances as the one hand, a not strong awareness of personal planning, career development orientation is not clear; on the other hand showed, the management and system of career development in the police is missing. To solve these problems, using career-related theories, the concept of the police career anchors is presented and some of the ways in career development with organizational help are provided, to achieve the coordination of the personal and organizational development of the police. Keywords: police, career, career anchor, organizational help. 公安机关是我国规模{zd0}、人数最多的一支公务员队伍。在公安机关内部挖掘警力资源是开发公安机关人力资源的科学有效途径,而推动xx职业生涯健康发展是实现这一目标的重要保障。面对时代发展与现实环境因素的影响和制约,公安队伍建设中逐渐表现出许多不稳定因素,如:思想政治工作起不到应有的教育与提高素质的作用、职务晋升与职业发展缺乏必要的引导与规划、培训学习与激励监督等机制不能调动民警工作热情与积极性等。针对这些问题,本文从人力资源管理的理论中引进xx职业发展的理念,建立xx职业生涯锚构想,从xx个人职业生涯规划方法及公安机关如何提供组织帮助的角度推进公安机关队伍的建设和发展。

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