

保洁公司专用地毯机DTJ 2A 三合一地毯抽洗机

以下为保洁公司专用地毯机DTJ 2A 三合一地毯抽洗机详细参数信息,保洁公司专用地毯机DTJ 2A 三合一地毯抽洗机图片由广州洁嘉清洁设备有限公司提供,保洁公司专用地毯机DTJ 2A 三合一地毯抽洗机

保洁公司专用地毯机DTJ 2A 三合一地毯抽洗机
最小起订量:1      计量单位:台      产品单价:询价      供货总量:100

DTJ 2A 三合一地毯抽洗机

Three-in-one Carpet Machine: DTJ 2A




Features: Through high pressure spraying. the cleanser can be sprayed into the bottim of the carpet, so as to effectively dissolve the obstinate dirt and stain.

Driven by a high power motor, the brush rotates at the speed of 600 rpm. In washing the carpet, the cleaner can open the fobre flocks of the carpet and clean the dirt off the carpet softly and thoroughly. the specially arranged roll brush can synchronistically brush apart the tingled carpet hair, making the carpet more elastic after cleaning.


With high pressure spraying, the cleaner can be sprayed into the bottom of the carpet, so as to effectively dissolve the obstinate dirt and stain.


DTJ2A 三合一地毯抽洗机 Technical Specification

电压/频率 Voltage/Frequency:


 功率 Power:


 电流 Current:


 滚刷转速 Roll brush speed:


 滚刷马达 Roll brush motor:


 滚刷宽度 Roll brush width:


 吸水马达 Water sucking motor:


 吸水扒宽度 Water sucker:


 喷水马达 Water sucking motor:


 气流量 Air flow rate:


 清水箱容量 Clean water tank capacity:


 污水箱容量 Dirty water tank capacity:




 重量 Weight:



1000x975x545 mm


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